Due to DORCO’s unique efficient blade grinding and assembly processes, both cost savings and quality are passed down to DORCO USA customers in the form of superior products.
All blade edging is completed in Seoul, South Korea, while razor assembly and packaging are completed in cost-efficient free-trade zones, leaving the high quality and value in our superior products to reflect in customer offerings.
We have shared server coordination with Korean and Mexican plants, as well as Chinese suppliers located in Baja, Mexico, and Hanoi, Vietnam. DORCO USA takes great pride in delivering top quality products in a small amount of time, enabling you to save time and money due to our robust forecasting processes with customers and brokers.

Contact us today to learn how we might be able to provide you with a private label razor or OEM solution to boost your store brand strategy and revenues. Retailing our exceptional shaving technology as your own brand has never been easier.